Migration from Microsoft Excel

Can I use Avery Label Merge Add-on with a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet?

This article describes how to convert a file from a Microsoft Excel format to a Google Sheets format, to allow Avery Label Merge add-on to be used with an Excel spreadsheet.

From Google Sheets Add-on

It is not possible to merge from a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, as there no Extensions option on the menu bar to start Avery Label Merge add-on. The Excel spreadsheet needs to be converted into a Google Sheets format, to start Avery Label Merge add-on

From the Excel spreadsheet, click on File > Save as Google Sheets. This creates a copy of the Excel spreadsheet file in a Google Sheets format, from which Avery Label Merge add-on can be started.

From Google Docs Add-on

If a merge is performed in Google Docs, the add-on automatically converts the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet into a Google Sheets format. The Excel spreadsheet appears in the Select a Spreadsheet File dialog box (see screenshot below).

During the label merge process, the original Excel spreadsheet remains preserved and only a copy of the spreadsheet is created automatically in a Google Sheets format.